Is It Possible to Travel with CBD Oil?
It’s reasonable if you’re wary of transporting CBD oil in public or over international borders, given how frequently it’s spoken in the same breath as THC and cannabis. Even if you can take CBD oil to many areas without incident, it’s still smart to do your research before booking any trips to make sure you’re prepared for anything that may come up on the road.
First things first: a review of current CBD law in Australia. As of right now, CBD oil for chronic pain management or general product for must have to comply with the legal THC level in Australia, so you may buy it and carry it about without any trouble. This means that the entire product has less than 1 milli-gramme of THC, while in practise this threshold is usually set at a concentration of 0.2%. In the event that a product comes with a lab report, it should be simple to obtain this data and verify that it is safe and within regulatory limits. If you don’t have this data on hand, planning an extended trip may be difficult. In all other respects, travelling across Australia with CBD on you is entirely within the law.

Can One bring CBD oil on a plane?
The answer to this is “maybe.” Most airlines allow CBD oil, but check with your airline beforehand to be sure. There are a few things to verify before providing a comprehensive response. We need to investigate the legal status of CBD in the country you will be visiting in the same manner we did for Australia. There are certain limits, grey areas, and exceptions, but in general, CBD may be taken to many different nations and regions.
The threshold at which THC use becomes illegal varies from country to country. In Italy, for instance, the maximum legal THC content of a product is 0.6%. Other nations, like Germany and Portugal, need a prescription.
Moreover, think about the specific CBD product you intend to bring on your trip. When purchasing CBD oil or topicals, look for products that come in unambiguous containers with supporting laboratory data (we would also recommend having a copy of the lab report handy, whether printed or a digital copy on your phone, just in case).
However, it is not a good idea to try to go overseas while in possession of CBD flower (the dried hemp plant material used to make CBD tea). Without lab tests to establish THC levels, it is visually indistinguishable from Cannabis and extremely likely to be disputed, even if it falls below the legal limit.
If you’re unsure about whether or not to bring CBD products on your flight, it’s a good idea to contact the airline directly to find out their policy.

Planning Trip to Europe from Australia?
In terms of CBD oil, the vast majority of European countries are rather relaxed, with most having legislation and THC levels that are comparable to those of Australia. Only a few European nations (including Germany, Portugal, and Denmark) mandate prescriptions for CBD, while even fewer (such as Serbia and Slovakia, who have extremely stringent Cannabis laws) do not allow CBD. Many of these regulations are still in the works; they were written with cannabis in mind but haven’t yet addressed CBD explicitly. Legislation pertaining to CBD is anticipated to become more defined and less dependent on overarching legislation in the future.
Intending to visit the United States?
It can be difficult to keep track of the law in the United States because of the wide disparities between states and even within individual states. The standard piece of advise to learn the local regulations before travelling is still relevant here. Generally speaking, anecdotally speaking, the United States is more stringent in its examination of CBD products. Be advised that products that cannot be shown to be below the federal THC limit of 0.3%, or products that have been opened (in case the contents have been replaced), will likely be seized.
You should think about this as well while planning your trip back to Australia from the United States. It is allowed in the United States to acquire a CBD product containing up to 3% THC, yet it is illegal in Australia to import such a product.

So, in conclusion, before leaving for your destination, research the local rules and make sure to bring along a product that is both legally permitted and well below the legal THC level and is sealed.
Travel the World
We have established that legal systems across the world differ. While the vast majority of nations do permit CBD use, it is still important to double-check with your destination before you go. It’s also important to remember to check for flight changes. If your travels take you through the airports of more than one nation, you should familiarize yourself with their legislation before you depart. It is advised to err on the side of caution when dealing with CBD oil because a surprising number of nations, like Venezuela, Ecuador, and many portions of Africa, simply do not have well defined legislation in place yet.
This list provides a breakdown for the majority of the world’s countries, so you may learn more about the legal situations in those places.
The regulations governing CBD oil mirror the complexity and fluidity of the business it serves. Although accurate at the time of writing, major changes to regulations are inevitable in the months and years ahead as CBD gains international recognition. It’s not worth the anxiety of postponing a vacation if you don’t have to, so do your homework, check the rules, and only bring CBD with you if you’re sure you can beforehand.
To know more about where to buy CBD oil in Australia and other CBD oil benefits, you should book a consultation session with a professional from Chronic Therapy today.